Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Centaur Extinct???

Every so often, my friends and I sit around like old people talking about how the generations after us are getting dumber and dumber (usually our younger siblings are the topic of discussion).I mean wtf, it's like they "want us to walk for them" *Jay-Z voice*. Sometimes I hate being right....In ever-so-depressing news today, I took a look at this year's America's Best High School List expecting to see my alma mater (City Honors School) near the top where we've always been. Can anybody say EPIC FAIL?! City Honors, who ranked #12 last year and #4 the year before, has now slid from the very top to the very bottom (#90) like a Body Tap skripper.

So I ask, where do we point the finger? Is it these dumb reckless ass kids ruining the name of my beloved school? Or the parents that let Lil Wayne and Real Chance at Love raise their kids? Maybe its the teachers that said "ef this y'all aren't paying me enough to care." Maybe its a combo of all three. But can we really blame the kids? I mean it takes a village to raise a child right? Hell I don't know. I just know my kids better not be lil' dumb asses. I kid. I kid.

But seriously I ask, what the hell are we gonna do to help our children? I mean do you really want Generation Y flying your plane when you're old and retired trying take a trip to Florida to catch a tan?

*Click the title to see the full school listing.

1 comment:

  1. This is just terrible! But I cant say I didnt see it coming...Ciiiityyyyy hoooonooooorrrrs proud and strong who's will keeps living on, keeps living on, keeps living on! "Do more, to be more, because more is REQUIRED"-Dr. Bataglia
